Friday, March 24, 2023

Good Citizenship


Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) was the 26th President of the United States, serving from 1901 to 1909. He was a larger-than-life figure known for his energetic and adventurous spirit, as well as his progressive policies and conservation efforts.

Before becoming President, Roosevelt was a prolific author and historian, as well as a rancher, explorer, and soldier. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President William McKinley, and became President in 1901 after McKinley's assassination.

As President, Roosevelt championed progressive reforms such as the Pure Food and Drug Act, the Meat Inspection Act, and the establishment of the National Parks System. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to mediate the Russo-Japanese War.

After leaving office, Roosevelt continued to be an active and influential figure, founding the Progressive Party and running for President again in 1912. He also led an expedition to explore the Amazon rainforest and wrote several books on his experiences.

In this quote, Roosevelt shares what is the goal of a good citizen.

“After all, the very highest and most fundamental work of good citizenship is to leave the next generation in right shape.” 

Theodore Roosevelt
Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Charles Frisch, 24 JUL 1911.

Think about that today.

Are we leaving the next generation in right shape?